8 business ideas for entrepreneurial moms

1. Included for the elderly

The National Population Council (Conapo) estimates that by 2030 the number of adults will be 20.4 million, representing 14.8% of the population. This department requires daily activities for the company such as going to the doctor, buying a pantry, studying or simply walking. Create a group of adults who can provide this service for a few hours per day. They must first pass a selection and confidence test before they can start offering services.

    Example of success: MMMA

2. Comprehensive treatment for youth

The myth is that for a psychologist to be mad only kills a little. These types of professionals help to deal with the emotional impact of childhood or to achieve better communication with adolescents. Create one-on-one occupational therapy workshops or group workshops for young people. With this service, you can handle self-confidence, socialization, career choice and many issues. Get psychologists early and then bring in more employees.

    Example of success: Youth Counseling Center

3. School discipline

PLANEA stated that six out of 10 students who complete elementary school in public or private schools in Mexico lack education, as they are located in one of the four levels defined by the National Institute of Educational Assessment (INEE). Analysis of basic education. Start a career that contributes to the learning process of children in disciplinary classrooms. Get qualified teachers site and provide your services at home.

 This type of diabetes is not unique to overweight adults with under-eating adults: it has already reached children due to overweight. Make and sell jams or jellies without sugar. Making them is a simple process that you can do as a supplementary task at home. You can add value to your offers by using only organic products.

    Example of success: Sabores del Cuijo

5. Blog for Moms

According to Inaki, there are 32.8 million Mexican mothers; Most of them are of production age. This universe is advised on how to overcome childbirth, how to educate children, how to feed them or how to help them in their daily activities. Therefore, creating a portal dedicated to this audience is a good business option. Give suggestions and share your experiences. It sells advertising space with brands that focus on the importance of children or children. You can also add a classified area where commercial mothers can advertise; You will receive the fee from time to time from them. Trust the social network to make your blog public.

    Example of success: best mother

6. Setting up of the night sky

Seeing the stars in the sky is one of the most important things you can do. Unfortunately, environmental and light pollution do not always make this experience possible. It provides families with special materials that only work when a room is dark, setting up a starry sky in their bedroom. Warning: This effect may last more than eight years. Join a company that markets these types of products and increases their shares.

 7. Environmental Center for Parties

In a country like Mexico, the fun situation seems to be part of our DNA, building eco-friendly centers for parties is a good business. To begin with, you need to practice in *** design. Donate your creations to weddings or special celebrations such as the XV year. Your added value: Models created using materials that do not adversely affect the environment, such as hangawan, clay, stone, wood, pottery, and clothing. Alliance with Permanent Suppliers.

 8. Hot Clothing Workshop

The Office of the Federal Consumer Attorney (ProfFECO) believes that the wedding dress accounts for 11.9% of the total budget for the wedding. The dress cost thousands of pesos, although the average cost for Mexican women in this article is 26,000, the company said. Setting up a hot couch workshop and providing production and design of this type of clothing. Don't forget to add XV Sal and Cocktail Dresses. You can combine your list with helmets and clothing souvenirs.

Hand drawn tennis shoes

The creative industry is listed as one of the five major economic branches of the international program, and Mexico is the 18th largest exporter of creative products in the world, with more than $ 5.1 billion. Therefore, it is the only Latin American country in the top 20, according to a report by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Enter the business of making and selling hand-crafted tennis shoes. Sell ​​them through an eCommerce. To differentiate yourself from the competition, you can create designs from iconic films. Don't forget to create a Facebook page and keep your design updated on Pinterest and Instagram.

Direct sales of nutritional supplements

The Mexico Direct Sales Association states that 47% of the sales made through this program are equivalent to the nutritional sector. Start with a company that offers you to start a business with minimal investment. Place bets on brands with broad market experience and provide training to improve your performance. Organize value-added activities to win loyal consumers. For example, a nutrition club. Most importantly, discover the benefits of your products.

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